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Help for HR Leaders – The HR Leadership Project

The HR Barometer

The People Perspective – HR Questionnaire.

Curated by two curious individuals intent on getting to the heart of the real issues facing human resources teams today. We want to ensure that the very people with leading roles in the development of our unique human talents and capabilities like you get the support and resources they need to serve their purpose. We believe in unlocking the potential of people and in celebrating the diversity that makes us uniquely human.

The People Perspective – Human Resources Questionnaire for HR Leaders

We are doing this because we have observed that current working conditions for HR professionals have become more complex and difficult to emotionally, psychologically and intellectually navigate today. Who is helping you as you address the skills gap or plan ahead of legislation changes under a new government?

Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this questionnaire to help ensure that any supportive action is based on what you and your people need, your immediate challenges, not our third-party observations or conversations.

I can guarantee we won’t have the answers to everything (who has!) What we can say is that our collective approach will almost definitely extend beyond those who come together to understand the issues and redress the balance. We also recognise that leadership and their teams often need help creating psychologically safe and successful workplaces where HR professionals can thrive and communicate effectively.

THE HR Leadership Questionnaire:

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What next following the Human Resources Questionnaire?

We look forward to reviewing together your feedback over the coming months and hopefully having some constructive follow-up conversations to dig a little deeper.

You’ll have highlighted on the questionnaire if you are interested to see the collective results. Your individual contribution will of course remain confidential.

Wishing you all the best with your HR leadership

Thank you for your contribution

James & Neil

If you would like to speak to us please reach out using this contact form.

In Partnership to Support Leadership Teams

James Gentle – Founder Alt P

Unlocking human potential via self-discovery, awareness, communication & motivation.

Bringing you an alternative perspective from a career spanning marketing, innovation and business coaching.

Dyslexic before it was defined as a superpower!

Neil Lawrence – Partner

Unlocking human potential via neurodivergent-friendly coaching and development.

Bringing you an alternative perspective as an ex-teacher and seasoned mindful coach.

An ADHD advantage.

“James provided an exceptional training session that proved to be one of the most insightful exercises in successful team communication I have personally experienced.”

Marcus Albon

” I am very impressed by how generously Neil gives to his courses and how quickly and cheerfully he is ready to extend a helping hand to other neurodivergent professionals and entrepreneurs, like me. His vast knowledge and skill set have impressed me

Kassandra Clemens